
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

May 19, 2024





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Christian persecution is common worldwide. In America, Christianity has enjoyed a relatively safe haven until recently. Under the new guidance of the anonymous Puppet Dictatorship, you might expect Christians soon to become an endangered species. According to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Christians and conservatives are a serious threat to America’s viability.

Not that long ago, we’d consider this a joke, but the Biden team’s DHS considers groups like The Heritage Foundation, Christian Broadcasting Network, the National Rifle Association, Turning Point USA, and other right-leaning news and political groups to be a threat to America, on par with militant neo-Nazis. The assault on Constitutional supporters shows obviously, we are a direct threat to the Biden Administration. Why else would DHS award over $350,000 to the University of Dayton project that lists freedom lovers as far-right radicals and terrorist threats?

Under the DHS Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention Grant Program, the university developed “The Pyramid of Far-Right Radicalization,” which depicts “increased levels of Extremism” in ascending order. The lower two tiers incorporate the American good guys. Even Fox News and the Republican National Committee are considered significant threats.



Mayorkas’s DHS mafia was quick to distance themselves from the project, claiming they do not “profile, target, or discriminate against any individual for exercising their constitutional rights protected by the First Amendment.” Tell that to the January 6 hostages whose lives were destroyed by being profiled, targeted, and discriminated against. Tell that to the doctors who lost their livelihood for exposing the truth about the Covid takedown. Try and convince mothers who come forward to defend their children that they have legitimate free speech rights.

The Pyramid was initially revealed by a University of Cincinnati researcher, Michael Loadenthal, in a November 2021 PREVENTS-OH seminar, and seeing its desired impact, DHS awarded the grant money in September 2022. But it’s a drop in the bucket compared to the $40 million of DHS money given to 80 grants for projects that target all forms of “domestic extremism,” not the least of which is Christianity. When they attack Judeo-Christian morals and values, they attack America. Because that’s who we are! That is who prosperous, peaceful, and free Americans always have been.

According to the Media Research Center (MRC), a memo from Alejandro Mayorkas designated the Pyramid program a “high priority.” This means they are actively targeting you and me, the conservative Americans. Anyone who still doesn’t recognize the DHS Secretary as another imposter (à la Barack Obama mimicry) is choosing ignorance. Along with the renegade FBI and CIA, DHS is nothing more than a domestic terrorist organization that is sponsoring our border invasion, with all its affiliated ugliness. Human trafficking, fentanyl, and other drug trafficking, and planting militant illegal enemies across our homeland is their true mission.

As MRC’s founder and president Brent Bozell stated, “This terrorism task force is engaged in an active effort to demonize and eliminate Christian, conservative, and Republican organizations using federal taxpayer dollars.” Demonize and eliminate. Have you noticed? Have you personally felt the hits? But Bozell’s remark doesn’t say enough. Mayorkas actually is the terrorist force that is fully determined to capsize and sink the Good Ship America. We need to fire off the SOS flares now!

Some are calling for Mayorkas’s resignation. Others say insist on impeachment proceedings. The more insightful constitution-guided leaders know we have ample evidence for criminal prosecution. The problem with all of this is that none of the above will be realized because the DOJ itself is a branch of the domestic rebel force hijacking our Constitution. The Biden team has fully weaponized our government against the good people of America: those who don’t abuse children, those who honor the American flag and all it stands for, and those who reject the ungodly sedition of our great nation.

We must stand against these attackers of our way of life. The weapons being used against us must be confiscated. They are still heavily censoring us, stealing our money, destroying our children, persecuting our Christian churches, trying to disarm us, killing us with bioagents, poisoning our environment, and duping us into being silent and dormant. It’s time to wake up and confront our assailants.

Resistance is not enough. We must launch an offensive against Mayorkas and take him down. We do this by actually following their own advice. Let’s target the violence and terrorism that has been in our faces ever since puppet Joe stole the election. What violence? Look to the Covid shots. The drug cartels. The pedophiles. What terrorism? The home raids against Christians who live their faith. The sullen district attorneys whose lawfare castrate our bravest warriors. The prosecutors of law-abiding citizens who dare to defend themselves.

The storm continues to build. If the domestic junta continues on its predictable course, we will see a not-so-gradual shuffling of the Pyramid. Little imagination is needed to envision the American patriot rising on the “extremism” ladder, as we should ⏤ only when a vile government fears the people will the liberty bell sound. The desperation of the leftist parties is showing. They will act increasingly irrationally and radical as they push their demonic agenda. They will unleash their worst as we approach the 2024 election. And you can be sure that all their sinister agencies will be in on the act.

Border porosity will only increase. The FBI will accelerate its attacks against the conservative voice. Home raids will continue. The IRS will be mobilized against you when you donate to any good cause. Any action that lends itself to a stronger America will be regarded as a terrorist act. That’s what they’re telling us. We must be prepared for what’s coming. Don’t be caught off guard. The smell of rats is rising in all American neighborhoods.

When American patriots determine in their hearts to oppose this weak and perverse uniparty, the cabal will quickly become history. Every one of us must be the opposition. We must impose the greater force of good against this dark army of satan. Do all you can to increase your momentum against evil… and then some. Real Christianity in America is far from dead. This is still our Father’s world!

Image: AP


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Jared Pearce
Jared Pearce
11 months ago

Christians built this country…the downfall of the Christians, was permitting foreign nationals like Mayorkas to immigrate to the USA

Patrick Swader
Patrick Swader
Reply to  Jared Pearce
11 months ago

No, the downfall of Christianity is our own fault because we have fallen for satanic lies and brought those very lies into God’s house. Well, guess what? God won’t be a part of sin, so God left those churches, and they are running out.

Reply to  Patrick Swader
11 months ago

Always someone with the Royal WE chiming in. No WE didn’t. The people put in authority positions bent over for big pay and now here we are. Keep pretending its what Americans Deserve, and it will come to fruition. Its NOT WHAT AMERICANS deserve. Between the public (fed gov)/private (stakeholder sold out capitalists who put agenda above profits) they’re squeezing the American national public between the pillar and post and pretending theres nothing THEY can do about it. Thats because THEY DID THIS ON PURPOSE.

11 months ago

mayorkas is a SERIOUS Threat to Humanity, more so than any Christian could Ever Be!!!

Reply to  Mark
11 months ago

Mayorkas is a Communist devil in disguise and will suffer from God

Frank drebin
Frank drebin
11 months ago

I don’t see DHS getting rid of Republican Party, which by default makes all republicans terrorist, or removing Fox News, MAGA, breitbart etc. what joke DHS is!

11 months ago

This is what “one-party” tyrannical thinking does (destroying institutional balance) they weed out and demonize anyone who disagrees with their philosophy, then targets them! I learned this of all places as an equal opportunity representative, so in short – it is actually these people who are the threat to a free society, and not the other way around! God is not mocked…

Helen Thomas
Helen Thomas
11 months ago

He shouldn’t be worried about Christians. He should be worried about the response of CHRIST to the persecution of HIS People. I made up my mind a long time ago about this. I don’t fear Mayorkas, I fear for him. (Pray for GOD’s Mercy for your enemies.) JESUS doesn’t take threats to HIS Beloved lightly. Be strong in the LORD and the Power of HIS Might.

Last edited 11 months ago by Helen Thomas
Patrick Swader
Patrick Swader
11 months ago

This is still our Father’s world! This was the last sentence in the above article about Mayorkas Saying Christians Are a Threat to America, Ok. Good article, but this world isn’t under our Lord’s control because this is a “FREE -WILL” would. Jesus said you will be persecuted for my namesake. Brothers and Sisters always read God’s word.

11 months ago

non-Gentile Mayorkas is one of a number of long infiltrated American Israeli agents into decision making positions in key U.S. governing institutions and all serving the interests of a foreign power… No…? (Don’t be stupid) YES. They are anti-Christian who through nepotism acquired their status and whose unquestioning following of instructions from their handlers guarantee their career… When exposed and under scrutiny, only after fiercely resisting, they resign before facing the music, only to be ‘taken care of elsewhere’– often universities where they groom and expedite their their successors… No…(Don’t be stupid) YES.
Go figure…

11 months ago

Christians Says Mayorkas Are a Threat to America ?

11 months ago

When you take the one true God out of our schools and country many other Gods move in. When God lifts his vail off us many odd and evil spirits will take over. Men become lovers of themselves , boasters, liars, haters, etc . Never wanting the truth of God.

11 months ago

Maybe, Biden team’s DHS considers groups like The Heritage Foundation, Christian Broadcasting Network, the National Rifle Association, Turning Point USA, and other right-leaning news and political groups to be a threat to the Biden Administration?

Hans Schneider
Hans Schneider
11 months ago

Mayorkas uses extreme hate speech and should be charged accordingly and impeached

11 months ago

Fek Majerkus. He isn’t doing what his position of authority was created to do. Why would anyone care what he thinks of Others. Liars have no Authority.

sandra louise ragan
sandra louise ragan
11 months ago

I think the people that made this pyramid are nasty and are trying to make our country Marxists. God and Christ are about love, not terrorism.

Dr.Bobbi Anne White
Dr.Bobbi Anne White
11 months ago

why doesn’t Mayorkas just go back to his birth country, Cuba?

Jim Self
Jim Self
11 months ago

Mayor’s would do well to target terrorists and leave Christians alone. In his hands the most serious threat to our country is probably the DHS, followed by the DOJ/FBI. I am sorry to be saying this but NOT doing their jobs is as bad as committing the crimes themselves. And the gas !fighting from Mayorkas is absolutely incredible! But he is also a powerful and illuminating example of the importance of beaurocratic accountability. We should file suit against him for failure to close the border and let him gas light a federal judge!

Jim Self
Jim Self
11 months ago

Jim Self
Jim Self
8 minutes ago
Mayorkas would do well to target terrorists and leave Christians alone. In his hands the most serious threat to our country is probably the DHS, followed by the DOJ/FBI. I am sorry to be saying this but NOT doing their jobs is as bad as committing the crimes themselves. And the gas lighting from Mayorkas is absolutely incredible, denying that what we are watching unfold before our eyes is real! But he is also a powerful and illuminating example of the importance of beaurocratic accountab,ility. We should file suit against him for failure to close the border and let him gas light a federal judge! Or raise such a ranchor to remove him that the government has to do it. Or impeach him. The democrats have provided ample instruction on how that is done, for sure.

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